High Voltage Volleyball is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all our coaches and customers. To ensure we have a safe and healthy workplace, we have developed the following COVID-19 Preparedness Plan in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Management and coaches are all responsible for implementing this plan. Our goal is to mitigate the potential for transmission of COVID-19 in our workplaces and communities, and that requires full cooperation among our coaches, management, and customers. Only through this cooperative effort can we establish and maintain the safety and health of our coaches, customers and facility.

Management and coaches are responsible for implementing and complying with all aspects of this COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. High Voltage coaches have our full support in enforcing the provisions of this policy.
Our coaches and staff are our most important assets. We are serious about safety and health and keeping our coaches working at Minnesota One Volleyball. Coach and staff involvement are essential in developing and implementing a successful COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. We have consulted with experts, other club owners and leaders in the volleyball community to develop the policies and procedures we have adopted in accordance to CDC and MDH regulations. We encourage open communication with our staff, coaches and customers in efforts to ensure a safe and healthy environment. Our COVID-19 Preparedness Plan follows Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) guidelines, federal OSHA standards related to COVID-19 and Executive Order 20-48, and addresses:

  • prompt identification and isolation of sick persons
  • hygiene and respiratory etiquette
  • engineering and administrative controls for social distancing
  • protection and controls for pick-up and drop-off
  • cleaning, disinfecting, decontamination, and ventilation
  • communications and training that will be provided to managers and workers
  • communications and instructions for customers
  • management and supervision necessary to ensure effective implementation of the plan


  • Coaches and players have been informed of and encouraged to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. The following policies and procedures are being implemented to assess staff and coaches’ health status prior to entering the workplace and for coaches and staff to report when they are sick or experiencing symptoms.

Coaches are to contact High Voltage Board member by phone if they are experiencing any symptoms or elevated temperature while at home. They will be asked to not come into work until they are symptom free for three days. If coaches are experiencing symptoms; cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, and new loss of taste or smell, they are to immediately notify the board and asked to not attend practice or tournament until symptoms subside or a negative test is presented.

Coach Tests Positive for COVID-19:

The coach should stay home and notify the office immediately.

  1. If they have a positive test result.
  2. Immediately close off areas identified where the coach participated.
  3. Contact the Applicable State Department of Health


  • Follow guidance provided by state department of health and CDC.
  • Isolate potentially infected area where employee worked until disinfection is completed.
  • Wait 24 hours before disinfecting if possible, to minimize exposure of disinfection crew to droplets.
  • Disinfect affected area per CDC disinfecting guidelines.
  • Use a disinfectant solution with at least 70% alcohol
  • Check to ensure product is not past is expiration date
  • Cleaning staff required to wear PPE

Once disinfection is complete, the area can once again be used.

Player Tests Positive for COVID-19:

Athletes will be monitored for symptoms when they are dropped off at the gym. However, parents are encouraged to check their child’s temperature and screen for COVID-19 symptoms before arriving at the gym each time. If the athlete has a temperature higher than 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit or is exhibiting flu-like symptoms they should stay home and the parent should notify the office immediately. We can reschedule when the athlete is feeling better.

If a participant in any gym activities learns that he/she has tested positive for COVID-19, the participant or, if a child, the participant’s parent, should notify their coach or High Voltage director as soon as possible.

  1. Staff Will Contact the Participant/Parent:
    Obtain detailed information by asking the participant/parent the following questions:

    1. What date did the symptoms begin?
    2. Did you/the participant attend any activities 2 days prior to symptoms beginning up through your last day at the gym? If so, do you recall other participants/attendees at those activities?
    3. To the best of your recollection, what participants and employees have you/the participant been in close contact (within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more) with during the 2 days prior to testing positive or feeling sick? Please provide specific names is possible.
    4. To the best of your recollection, what areas of the building did you/the participant access within the 2-day window before testing or symptoms appeared (gym areas, office rooms, store, which restroom did you use, which building doors did they use).
    5. What equipment did you use that is also used by others?
    6. Communication to Other High Voltage Volleyball members: Send out a communication to notify other non-affected participants.
  2. Disinfection:
  • Follow guidance provided by state department of health and CDC.
  • Isolate potentially infected area where participant was regularly present until disinfection is completed.
  • Wait 24 hours before disinfecting if possible, to minimize exposure of disinfection crew to droplets.
  • Disinfect affected area per CDC disinfecting guidelines.
  • Use a disinfectant solution with at least 70% alcohol
  • Check to ensure product is not past is expiration date
  • Cleaning staff required to wear PPE

Hygiene and infection prevention measures are being implemented at our facility at all times. Face masks, handwashing and respiratory etiquette will be used to help prevent infection. Drinking fountains will be closed but touchless bottle filler will still be available.

Coach’s & Player Family Member Test Positive
The person should stay home and notify High Voltage staff immediately.

In the event that a household tests positive, we will follow these procedures:

  • Participant should notify High Voltage director or staff immediately.
  • Staff will inform the participant not to come in to any events and to quarantine at home for 14 days.
  • Staff will ask the participant when the member of their household first experienced their symptoms.
  • Staff will instruct the participant to contact us at the end of the 14-day quarantine period. If they have not experienced any symptoms, they will likely be allowed to return to events.

Source Control Face Coverings

  • Masks are required to be worn by staff and coaches while around others and for the duration of their lesson/class or camp.
  • Staff and coaches will be instructed on the proper and safe way to don and doff face masks.
  • Athletes/customers are encouraged to wear face masks as recommended if they are comfortable doing so.


Staff and coaches are instructed to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water frequently throughout the day, but especially at the beginning and end of their shift, prior to any mealtimes and after using the toilet. All customers and visitors to the workplace will be required to wash or sanitize their hands immediately upon entering the facility. Hand- sanitizer dispensers (that use sanitizers of greater than 60% alcohol) are at entrances and locations in the facility so they can be used for hand hygiene in place of soap and water, as long as hands are not visibly soiled.

  • Staff, coaches and athletes will sanitize hands when they enter the facility
  • Coaches be required to wash/sanitize hands again prior to beginning a new lesson and between sessions.
  • Hand Sanitizer stations throughout the building will be accessible and monitored for refill.
  • Doors that can be propped open will be. Door handles will be wiped and cleaned after use.
  • Everyone will be asked to wash/sanitize their hands when they leave the building.
  • The facility will have signage for proper handwashing etiquette located in each bathroom.

Respiratory Etiquette: Cover your cough or sneeze

Workers, customers and visitors are being instructed to cover their mouth and nose with their sleeve or a tissue when coughing or sneezing and to avoid touching their face, in particular their mouth, nose and eyes, with their hands. They should dispose of tissues in provided trash receptacles and wash or sanitize their hands immediately afterward. Respiratory etiquette will be demonstrated on posters and supported by making tissues and trash receptacles available to all workers, customers.


Social distancing of six feet will be implemented and maintained between staff, coaches and customers, in the facility through the following engineering and administrative controls:

  • High Voltage Volleyball will be staggering the beginning and ending times of all group workouts to ensure limited exposure to others.
  • Coaches will only be in contact with their specified group or individual lesson.
  • Groups will be limited to 14 or less participants on a court and groups will not intermix.
  • Athletes and coaches will have physical markers throughout the gym to ensure proper distance between all individuals.
  • Athletes will have a designated space, 6 feet from others, to keep their bag/water bottle.
  • Employees/coaches will be required to maintain physical distancing with all athletes and other coaches at all times.
  • Drop Off/Pick Up is required; only participants and employees allowed in the gym at this time. Parents are asked to wait in the car or use the time to run errands.
  • Carpooling is discouraged amongst those not residing in the same household
  • The lobby, locker room and coaches’ room will remain closed at this time.
  • Athletes should arrive dressed to play volleyball and should only need to change into volleyball shoes.
  • Only one person at a time will be allowed in the restrooms
  • All duties such as administrative, clerical, etc. can be done at home and electronically to ensure limited exposure to others.
  • All payments for services will be made online or through mail.
  • Gym occupancy will remain under 50%.
  • Occupancy will be limited and monitored to comply with MDH guidelines
  • Employees, customers, and visitors are encouraged to bring their questions and concerns to management. We strongly encourage the use of electronic methods of communication.


Regular housekeeping practices are being implemented, including routine cleaning and disinfecting of work areas and frequent sanitizing of high-touch areas. Staff and coaches have been instructed that volleyball equipment and shared spaces should be disinfected between users – athletes and coaches.

  • Drop-off/pick-up locations and restrooms will be cleaned regularly.
  • Volleyball equipment, balls and areas used by athletes and coaches will be disinfected after each session, before new athletes/coaches come in to use the same space.
  • All surfaces or shared spaces will be disinfected between uses. Each employee is responsible for disinfecting the area before and after use. All coaches and staff will be provided with proper cloth face coverings, gloves and disinfectant to use while cleaning.
  • CDC recommended products will be used to disinfect surfaces throughout the building.

Appropriate and effective cleaning and disinfectant supplies have been purchased and are available for use in accordance with product labels, safety data sheets and manufacturer specifications and are being used with required personal protective equipment for the product. Recommended products that are effective against codid-19 such as (Lysol disinfectant spray, Clorox bleach, hand sanitizer, Cavi-cide, Uno, Bac-san, Clorox disinfectant wipes, etc.). These will be used in accordance to the recommended cleaning protocol from the CDC.

The maximum amount of fresh air is being brought into the workplace, air recirculation is being limited and ventilation systems are being properly used and maintained. Steps are also being taken to minimize air flow blowing across people. Exterior doors will be propped open when feasible to allow for increased fresh air flow.


This COVID-19 Preparedness Plan was communicated electronically and in person to all workers on 01/01/2021 and necessary training was provided. Additional communication and training will be ongoing electronically and in person and provided to all workers who did not receive the initial training.

Instructions will be communicated to customers and visitors about: drop off and pick up procedures, how volleyball instruction and payments will be conducted to ensure social distancing between the customers and workers; required hygiene practices; and recommended use of face masks. Customers and visitors will also be advised not to enter the gym if they are experiencing symptoms or have contracted COVID-19. All information will be posted on our website and posted in our facility and shared electronically when necessary.

Managers and supervisors are to monitor how effective the program has been implemented and additional communication and training will be ongoing. Management and coaches will work through this new program together and update policies and procedures as necessary. This COVID-19 Preparedness Plan will be updated as necessary.


Certified by:

High Voltage Volleyball Staff
